40 years
Family owned and operated since 198260+ minutes
Time spent per patient50+ locations
Serving Long Island, NYC, Westchester, Connecticut & Rhode IslandIn-Home Therapy
Available throughout New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, & Rhode IslandAppointments within 24 hours.
You shouldn't have to wait to start feeling better. That is why Metro Physical & Aquatic Therapy offers same day appointments and most appointments can be scheduled within 24 hours of your initial call to us. Don't wait to get the treatment you need, Call 516.745.8050 to start your physical therapy on Long Island.
See us without a prescription.
New York Direct access laws allow patients to see a Physical Therapist without a prescription. This amazing benefit allows patients to begin treatment immediately at our physical therapy center and start feeling better. If you have any questions about how Direct Access works, feel free to give us a call! 516.745.8050
More 1 on 1 time
What sets Metro apart from other physical therapy clinics is that our therapy staff spend 60 minutes with each client at every session - 65% more one-on-one time than the physical therapy industry standard. Metro is committed to the highest quality patient care and if you are tired of sharing your therapy session with other patients, call 516.745.8050 now to set up an appointment!
insurance Question? WE CAN HELP.
Feel free to contact one of our Patient Relation Specialists if you have any questions regarding your eligibility for physical therapy, or for any other question you might have.
Personalized Treatment for Your Needs
Metro Physical & Aquatic Therapy is a family-owned practice with more than 35 years of experience in various forms of physical therapy, including pain relief and orthopedic, neurological and pediatric services. Our physical therapy specialists are trained to serve each patient with the personalized care and attention they deserve.
We strive to restore quality of life and redefine the health care experience at our comprehensive and effective physical rehabilitation centers. We offer in-home services, sessions in our Wellness Pavilion and one-on-one therapist care.
At Metro Physical & Aquatic Therapy, we are a community of dedicated professionals who practice medicine and provide the best possible treatments. Find the services you’re looking for at our physical therapy clinics.